Sunday, December 7, 2008


hello horray, welcome.

This is a blog for the dreamers who attended Daniel Stone's "12 conscious dreamers" course in mexico, 2008. (although other dreamers are welcome to join in too if they like, they can email us)

The idea is that we can share our dreams, experiences and journeys from the course or from other times and places and compare them and find corralations between them. This is maybe going to be challenging in terms of language. i welcome and encourage anyone to post in any language they like and also ask that if anyone feels like helping out by translating it would be very much appriciated. also, i added a translator at the bottom of the page but i don't know how accurate it is so if anyone knows of a better one please go ahead and change it. infact; please feel free to change anything! i would really like this to be collaborative project. if you need help with working the blog please email me.

please feel free to add text, pictures, music.. whatever. enjoy
x anna
To je blog na sny, kteří se zúčastnili Daniel kamenem dohodil "12 vědomé sny" samozřejmě v Mexiku, 2008. (i když jiné sny jsou vítáni, aby se připojil také v případě, jaký se jim líbí, ale může nám e-mail) je založen na myšlence, že můžeme sdílet naše sny, zážitky z cesty a průběhu, nebo z jiných časech a místech, a srovnat je corralations a najít mezi nimi. To je možná bude náročné z hlediska jazyka. Chtěl bych přivítat a podpořit někoho na post v jakémkoli jazyce, jaký se jim líbí, a také požádat, že pokud se někdo cítí jako pomoc z překladem by to být velmi appriciated. Také jsem přidal překladatel ve spodní části stránky, ale nevím, jak přesné je to tak, jestli někdo ví o lepší, prosím pokračuj a změnit jej. infact, neváhejte změnit cokoli! Já bych opravdu rád, že se to kooperačního projektu. V případě, že potřebujete pomoct s pracovní blogu mi prosím email. neváhejte a přidání textu, obrázků, hudby .. jakýkoli. užít si
horray hola, bienvenida. Este es un blog para los soñadores que asistieron Daniel de la Piedra "12 soñadores conscientes" curso en México, 2008. (aunque otros soñadores son bienvenidos a unirse en demasiado si les gusta, pueden envíenos un correo electrónico) La idea es que podemos compartir nuestros sueños, experiencias y viajes del curso o de otros tiempos y lugares y comparar y encontrar corralations entre ellos. Esta es tal vez va a ser un reto en términos de la lengua. Doy la bienvenida y alentar a nadie a puesto en cualquier idioma que les gusta y también pedimos que si alguien se siente como ayudar a cabo por la traducción sería muy appriciated. También, he añadido un traductor en la parte inferior de la página, pero no sé cómo es exacta por lo que si alguien sabe de una mejor vaya adelante y cambiarla. de hecho, por favor siéntase libre de cambiar nada! Me gustaría que esto es proyecto de colaboración. Si necesita ayuda con el blog de trabajo, por favor correo electrónico mí. Por favor, siéntase libre de añadir texto, imágenes, música .. sea lo que sea. disfrutar
anita x


In Lak'ech, A Lak'en said...

Yay!! Great idea! :) Looking forward to "dreaming" and reconnecting with everyone once again. I miss you all so much!
Blessings and Sweet Dreams

annatheother said...


in case there is any confusion..

i only just realised that you can have multiple authors on a blog... so i invited you all to do so. but it turns out you have to have a gmail account to be able to do so.. so if you dont have one feel free to use the user name i sent you all to begin with.

oh complications!

Xochiquetzal said...

Hey! Me again. I made some additions to the blog so I hope it's ok with everyone. Since Anna really liked my Temple photo I thought I would add it to the blog itself. I think it looks quite nice and it reminds me of the desert each time I look at it. :) Hope it's a pleasant reminder for everyone else as well. The standard "Contributors" heading that comes with the template was a bit boring so we are now all "Dreamers". What do you all think? I also uploaded a new Moon Phases tag. This one has a link back to all the Moon Phases as well as a larger image of the current phase. I used it on another blog of mine and really liked it, so thought I'd share it here. I also added a "Quote of the Day" at the bottom of the page to help keep us inspired. It's a neat little gadget. And lastly, I created a "Friends" category and added Daniel's site to begin with. It seemed the proper thing to do as he brought all of us together. It would be great if everyone could add other sites of interest so we could all be informed of something new. If anyone wants to add something and doesn't know how, feel free to ask me as I have some general knowledge of HTML and experience with webpages so I might be able to help. Let's make this the best blog ever! ;)